Certainty assessment№ of patientsEffectCertaintyImportance
№ of studiesStudy designRisk of biasInconsistencyIndirectnessImprecisionOther considerationstelemeditsiinimitteRelative
(95% CI)
(95% CI)
randomised trials
very seriousc
not serious
not serious
not serious
723/5359 (13.5%)
782/5194 (15.1%)
RR 0.85
(0.76 to 0.94)
23 fewer per 1,000
(from 36 fewer to 9 fewer)

Kõigil põhjustel hospitaliseeriminea
randomised trials
not serious
not serious
IRR 0.90
(0.81 to 0.99)
-- per 1,000
(from -- to --)

Kõigil põhjustel hospitaliseerimine ravimituge (medication support) saanud patientide seasg
randomised trials
not serious
IRR 0.83
(0.72 to 0.95)
-- per 1,000
(from -- to --)

Very low
Kõigil põhjustel hospitaliseerimine ravimituge (medication support) mittesaanud patsientide seasg
randomised trials
not serious
not seriousl
IRR 1.02
(0.93 to 1.12)
-- per 1,000
(from -- to --)

Üldsuremus ravimituge saanud patsientide seasg
randomised trials
not serious
not seriousn
not serious
RR 0.77
(0.60 to 0.98)
1 fewer per 1,000
(from 1 fewer to 1 fewer)

Üldsuremus ravimituge mittesaanud patsientide seasg
randomised trials
not serious
not seriousp
RR 0.84
(0.70 to 1.01)
1 fewer per 1,000
(from 1 fewer to 1 fewer)

Kõigil põhjustel hospitaliseerimine telemonitooringu grupiss
randomised trials
not serious
not serious
not serious
1003/2784 (36.0%)
1110/2759 (40.2%)
OR 0.82
(0.73 to 0.91)
47 fewer per 1,000
(from 73 fewer to 22 fewer)

Kõigil põhjustel hospitaliseerimine telefonitoe grupisv
randomised trials
not serious
not serious
not serious
not serious
1220/2873 (42.5%)
1322/2875 (46.0%)
OR 0.86
(0.78 to 0.96)
37 fewer per 1,000
(from 61 fewer to 10 fewer)

Kardiaalsetel põhjustel hospitaliseerimine telemonitooringu grupiss
randomised trials
not serious
not serious
534/2291 (23.3%)
616/2327 (26.5%)
OR 0.83
(0.72 to 0.95)
35 fewer per 1,000
(from 59 fewer to 10 fewer)

Kardiaalsetel põhjustel hospitaliseerimine telefonitoe grupisv
randomised trials
not serious
not serious
not serious
not serious
529/2124 (24.9%)
662/2160 (30.6%)
OR 0.74
(0.65 to 0.85)
60 fewer per 1,000
(from 83 fewer to 33 fewer)

Üldsuremus telemonitooringu grupiss
randomised trials
not serious
not serious
not serious
214/2522 (8.5%)
273/2441 (11.2%)
OR 0.75
(0.62 to 0.90)
26 fewer per 1,000
(from 39 fewer to 10 fewer)

Üldsuremus telefonitoe grupisv
randomised trials
not serious
not serious
not serious
548/2242 (24.4%)
567/2292 (24.7%)
OR 0.96
(0.83 to 1.11)
8 fewer per 1,000
(from 33 fewer to 20 more)

Kardiaalne suremus telemonitooringu grupiss
randomised trials
not serious
not serious
76/1009 (7.5%)
89/1007 (8.8%)
OR 0.84
(0.61 to 1.16)
13 fewer per 1,000
(from 33 fewer to 13 more)

Kardiaalne suremus telefonitoe grupisv
randomised trials
not serious
not serious
not serious
not serious
45/402 (11.2%)
67/406 (16.5%)
OR 0.54
(0.34 to 0.86)
69 fewer per 1,000
(from 102 fewer to 20 fewer)


CI: confidence interval; OR: odds ratio; RR: risk ratio


a. Some strategies were commonly used, such as telemonitoring weight scales (26/26, 100% RCTs), call-center support (24/26, 92%), and daily weight monitoring (25/26, 96%). Strategies that were not commonly used included nurse support (2/26, 8%), intervention for depression and anxiety (3/26, 12%), and exercise (3/26, 12%). The telemonitoring programs in the RCTs generally contained multiple strategies, with a mean of 8.7 strategies per care program.
b. Ding H, Chen SH, Edwards I, et al. Effects of Different Telemonitoring Strategies on Chronic Heart Failure Care: Systematic Review and Subgroup Meta-Analysis. J Med Internet Res. 2020;22(11):e20032. Published 2020 Nov 13. doi:10.2196/20032
c. Metaanalüüsi kaasatud uuringutest 11 RCT-d ei kasutanud osalejate ja uuringu läbiviijate pimendamist, 9 uuringut ei raporteerinud pimendamist ning vaid kuues RCT-s kasutati pimendamist. Neljateistkümnes uuringus (54%) raporteeriti ebaselget kallutatuse ohtu "unclear risk of bias".
d. Tõenduse ebakõla suur - I2=73,2%
e. Uuritavate arv N=9912
f. IRR - incidence rate ratio
g. Medication support - support to optimally adjust medication therapy or support participants to adhere to the medication recommendations for CHF
h. I2=70.7%
i. 15st uuringus viies kasutati mHealth interventsiooni (tarkvararakenduste komplekt mobiilseadmetele nagu nt nutitelefonid, nutitahvlid jt), ühes PC rakendust ja ühes mõlemat.
j. Uuritavate koguarv N=4563
k. 10st uuringus viies kasutati mHealth interventsiooni (tarkvararakenduste komplekt mobiilseadmetele nagu nt nutitelefonid, nutitahvlid jt).
l. Usaldusvahemik läbib ühte, mis viitab sekkumise ebaefektiivsusele
m. Uuritavate arv N=5349
n. 12st uuringust 5 kasutas mHealth interventsiooni, üks uuring PC rakendust ning üks uuring kasutas mõlemat.
o. Uuritavate arv N=5475
p. 9st uuringust 4 kasutas mHealth interventsiooni.
q. Usaldusvahemik lai, sekkumisega kaasnev mõju ulatub surmade arvu vähenemisest 30% võrra kuni efekti puudumiseni.
r. Uuritavate arv N=5088
s. Telemonitoorimise sekkumiste alla kuulus nt kaalu ja vererõhu monitoorimine; mHealth tarkvaralahenduste ja PC rakenduste kasutamine; arsti tugi; ravimitugi; kõnekeskuse tugi.
t. Zhu Y, Gu X, Xu C. Effectiveness of telemedicine systems for adults with heart failure: a meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials. Heart Fail Rev. 2020 Mar;25(2):231-243. doi: 10.1007/s10741-019-09801-5. PMID: 31197564; PMCID: PMC7046570
u. Mõnedes kaasatud uuringutes kasutati invasiivset monitooringut
v. Telefonitoe sekkumise rühmas kasutati tavapäraselt õe poolt telefoni teel läbi viidud patsiendi monitoorimist, harimist ja nõustamist.
w. Tõenduse ebakõla suur - I2=59%


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